Honey: Does Crystallization Mean It's Gone Bad? The Sweet Truth Revealed
Honey never truly expires, and its crystallization is a natural process that actually confirms its purity. Sadly, in India, crystallized honey, particularly pale mustard honey, is often misunderst...
Which is the best honey? Bee hunter's honey or Beekeeper's honey?
Bees produce honey to make their future secure. Honey is preserved food for their family. Flowers are the only source of food for bees. During spring-like flowering seasons, bees collect nectar and...
What makes honey thick or thin?
Thickness or thinness depends on the percentage of moisture in honey and the number of factors that affects this percentage. Bees digest the flower's nectar and convert it into honey which contains...
Why does honey vary in taste, smell, color, thickness and texture?
I have been asked quite often that, "I am a villager, I have harvested and tasted pure honey many times but your honey is very different. Why?" Every plant has a special kind of nectar in its flowe...
A layer of white foam in my honey is a sign of good quality raw honey.
White foam is often greeted with the words: "What's that white stuff on the top"? If you find the white foam in your honey jar, consider yourself lucky. Honey foam may be one of the most surprising...